Angelspur's Superstars
of the Cat Fancy!
On this page I would like to show off my top winners
either owned/shown by me, or by their new owners. Also, showcasing my cats that
have been granded by their owners.
I am very proud of my babies, please enjoy!
* * * FOUR REGIONAL WINNERS FOR 2010-2011!!* * *
Angelspur Just Watch Me
C.E. White Female
GLR 16th Best Kitten (also ranked as 4th Best Solid Persian Kitten Nationally!)
Ocean Purrls FreezeTag of Angelspur
C.E. White Male
GLR 19th Best Cat, 2nd Best of Breed, & Best of Color!
GC, RW Angelspur Call Me Crazy
Red Male
GLR 20th Best Cat, 3rd Best of Breed, & Best of Color
2nd Best of Color Nationally!
GP, RW Angelspur Wouldn't
It Be Nice
Red Neuter
GLR 10th Best Cat in Premiership
(also ranked as 4th Best Solid Persian in Premiership Nationally!)
Granded at the Rochester, NY show October 17, 2009!!! Thanks Nicole!!
CH, GP Angelspur Livin' On The Edge
Black Persian Neuter
Thank-you Nicole for loving & showing another one of my babies!
* * * TWO REGIONAL WINNERS FOR 2007-2008!!* * *
I am proud to announce that I had two
Tabby Regional Winners for 2007-2008 in
the Great Lakes Region!! What a blast it was showing these two!
GC, RW Angelspur Scarlet Princess
Red Tabby Persian Female
Great Lakes Region 12th Best Kitten!!!
* *
GC, RW Angelspur Winston
Brown Tabby Persian Male
Great Lakes Region 5th Best Cat!!!
Also earned:
BEST of Breed, BEST of Color, & is overall the BEST Persian in Championship in
Region 4!
2nd Best Tabby Persian Nationally & BEST Brown Tabby Persian Nationally!!
Yeah Winston! :o)
* *
Scarlet attended the Midwest Persian Tabby Fanciers
show in Michigan in 2008.
Scarlet was Highest Scoring Tabby Persian in show!! In such, she was awarded a
and a prize for doing so! Here are some photos from that show...
* * *
A little newsflash!!
Two special 'star' announcements....
"Treasure" has a movie appearance!
Treasure will be making his big screen debut on July 20th 2007, when the
movie "Hairspray" hits theaters! Treasure has his own part, we are so excited!!
"Avalanche" made his debut as a model
for the cover of a book.
What a good boy he is! This was done in 2005, and I've decided to add it here.
Ave is now owned by Micaela & is enjoying life as a lap cat, and is also still
having fun
at the shows in CCA's premiership class!
Grand Champion, Regional Winner Revillion Treasureeyes of Angelspur, OEW Male
Sizzle earned the following awards for the 2006-2007 show
Great Lakes Region 8th Best Cat
Great Lakes Region Best of Breed
Great Lakes Region Best of Color Class
Nationally Best of Color
He is also the Best Persian in the Great Lakes Region!
for the 2006-2007 show
Great Lakes Region Best of Color Class
Nationally Best of Color
Grand Premier Angelspur Azarang, Red Neutered Male
Owned & wonderfully shown by Nicole Thompson. Congratulations Nicole, & thank you!
***Presenting our very first Distinguished Merit!!!***
President's Valentine
of Angelspur, DM - CEW Female
2005-2006 Show Season
Her 5 qualifying
offspring (in order of granding) are:
GC Angelspur Icewine, CEW F ("Icewine")
GC, RW Angelspur Here I Am, BEW F ("Presh")
GC Angelspur Bulletproof, CEW M ("Bullet")
CH, GP Angelspur Casual Elegance, CEW F ("Elle")
CH, GP Angelspur Avalanche, CEW M ("Avalanche")
The 5 Grands pictured below:
GC Icewine
GC, RW Presh
GC Bullet
CH, GP Elle
CH, GP Avalanche
Grand Champion, Regional Winner Angelspur Sizzle of Startrax, Red Male
Sizzle earned the following awards for the 2004-2005 show
Great Lakes Region 4th Best Cat
Great Lakes Region Best of Breed
Great Lakes Region Best of Color Class
Nationally 3rd Best of Breed
Nationally Best of Color
* *
* Granded
2004-2005 Show Season!* *
Grand Champion Angelspur Arctic Chill
of Startrax,
CE White Male
Chill was a 2 show grand!!
Grand Champion, Regional Winner Angelspur Here I Am, BE White Female
Presh earned the following awards for the
2003-2004 show
Great Lakes Region
21st Best Cat
Great Lakes Region
2nd Best Solid
Persian & BEST B.E. White
CFA's National BEST B.E. White
Champion, Grand Premier, Regional Winner Angelspur Just In Case, Black Female
Casey earned the following awards for the
1992-1993 show
Great Lakes Region 12th Best Cat in Premiership
Copyright Angelspur Persians